Module Description

Module Description (AY2021/2022 Onwards)

Module Description (AY2017/2018 Onwards)

This module provides an overview of the major animal and plant-based foods and how these need to be processed or treated before consumption in order to ensure that they are safe to consume. Particular emphasis is given to the potential problems of spoilage by micro-organisms but also the usefulness of some micro-organisms in the production of selected foods. The application of the concepts is tested by the development (in teams) of new snack type products.

Food Science and Technology Major

This module introduces students to the fundamental engineering principles of food processing systems, including process classification, mass and energy balances, fluid mechanics and transport, steady-state and unsteady-state heat transfer, steam generation and utilisation. It further covers the applications of the engineering principles to several common processes found in the handling, processing, storage, packaging and distribution of food products, e.g. heat exchange, and refrigeration. Industrial exmaples related to the principles will be provided throughout the module.

CM1161, CM2161


This module will cover the chemistry of major food components such as water, lipid, carbohydrate, and protein including food enzymes. The basic functions of these components will also be introduced. Some chemical reactions involving these molecules with relation to food processing and storage are discussed. In addition, methods of chemical modification to change the chemical and physical properties of the food components are also presented.


FST1101 and (CM1121 or CM1501)

This module introduces students to factors that result in the loss of quality characteristics of plant and animal produce, and discusses how such losses can be minimised by proper and effective handling of the fresh produce, from farm to market. This module also covers the various aspects of post-harvest processes and the products derived from fresh produce. The roles of irradiation and packaging in extending the shelf-life of animal and plant produce are also discussed.

FST1101 and (LSM1101 or LSM1106)

The module covers fundamental analytical chemistry principle and emphasises learning experience in lab sessions. The lecture topics will cover sample preparation techniques, liquid and solid phase extraction techniques, gravimetry, colorimetry, gas and liquid chromatography. Students will learn hands-on skills with regards to sample preparation and extraction and apply analytical techniques to quantification of food components. These techniques include gravimetry, gas and liquid chromatography systems (GC and HPLC), UV-VIS spectrophotometers, and atomic absorption/emission spectrometry.

CM2192, CM2192A, FST2102A

FST1101 and CM1191

This module examines the major sources of food contaminants, the ways of preventing contamination and the likely consequences on health of consumers if contaminated food is consumed. Emphasis is placed on both biological and chemical contaminants and how these affect the consumer. An introduction to epidemiology is included and some methods of determining the levels of contamination are discussed and utilised. The main aim of the module is to explain the importance of safe and quality food and how this may be achieved.


FST2102B or (LSM1103 and LSM2103) or LSM1106

This module introduces the student to the science of nutrition. The format consists of a series of lectures, assigned readings and assignments that cover the fundamental concepts related to basic nutrition. By the end of this course, the student will possess the knowledge to interpret dietary labels, make informed food selections for a healthy, well-balanced diet and understand the relevant human physiological processes that transform food after the first bite. Students will be required to demonstrate a specific understanding of nutrition in health and human physiology, vitamins and minerals, protein, carbohydrates, dietary fats and energy metabolism.

LSM1101 or LSM1106

This module is designed to give level 2 students an introduction to research. The student will undertake a laboratory based investigation on a topic proposed by the supervisor. Students work independently but under the close supervision of the supervisor.

FST1101 and Departmental Approval

This module is an extension of FST2288 and a more detailed and prolonged study stretching over two semesters.

FST1101 and Departmental Approval

This module covers the nature and activities of micro-organisms found in foods and how they are affected by various food processing and preservation methods, the role of various micro-organisms in relation to their significance in the products; i.e. indicator organisms, pathogens, spoilage organisms, and beneficial organisms. Study of starter cultures, their physiology and genetics in the preparation and application to different food products and ingredients, study of chemical, biochemical and microbial bio-transformation in selected indigenous foods and food ingredients.

FST1101, FST2102B

This module covers a number of the most popular food processing operations, ranging from conventional thermal processing to modern membrane separation. Topics include thermal processing, microwave processing, evaporation, freezing, mixing, psychrometrics, mass transfer, membrane separation, and dehydration

FST1101 and FST1103

This module intends to provide students with the opportunity to experience the stages of new product development through a problem-based learning project in collaboration with a food company. Lectures in this module will cover three main topics:

  1. Introduction and essential steps in new food product development
  2. Mechanism of food spoilage and shelf life analysis of foods
  3. Principles and practices of food packaging


FST2102B and FST2107 and FST2108

This module covers sensory science of food perception and preference, discrimination testing and sensory thresholds, basis of psychophysics in sensory evaluation, measurement of preference and liking, basis of training a sensory panel, sensory evaluation techniques used in quality control, experimental design and statistical analysis of sensory data; this module also covers the chemical basis of food flavour perception, study of biosynthetic pathways of selected flavour compounds, aroma characteristics and flavour quality of different food products important in the region, changes in flavour composition of foods/beverages in relation to processing.

FST3104, FST4101


This essential requirement for the FST major involves the student working in an industrial/government or similar institutions for a minimum period of 16 weeks. The aim is to introduce the student to the world of work and to improve their interpersonal skills.

Food Science and Technology Major

This module allows the student to undertake an in-depth study of a food related topic agreed between the student and the supervisor. The work is carried out under the terms of a learning contract. Normally, a written and oral report on the work is required but other modes of assessment may be agreed and defined in the learning contract.

Food Science and Technology Major

This module examines the role of nutrition, application of dietary therapy and functional food in the prevention of chronic diseases. Basic concepts on how our genes and genome interact with our diet in health and diseases will be introduced. The format consists of a series of lectures, assigned readings and case studies involving aspects of problem-based learning which relates the impact of food components to disease prevention. The specific focus of this course related food components such as dietary fibre, pre-biotics, pro-biotics, low glycemic and low fat foods to prevent or slow the progression of chronic disease such as colon cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome.


This module allows students to develop their research skills by working on a supervised project which will be laboratory based. It is a similar module to FST2288 but the topic will require a deeper understanding of food sciences. Students will work independently under close supervision of the supervisor.

By permission

This module is an extension of FST3288 and involves a more detailed and prolonged study stretching over two semesters.

FST3288, and by permission

In addition to having an academic science foundation, students with good soft skills and some industrial attachment or internship experience often stand a better chance when seeking for jobs. This module gives Science students the opportunity to acquire work experience via internships during their undergraduate study. The module requires students to compete for position and perform a structured internship in a company/institution for 10-12 weeks during Special Term. Through regular meetings with the Academic Advisor (AA) and internship Supervisor, students learn how knowledge acquired in the curriculum can be transferred to perform technical/practical assignments in an actual working environment.

XX3310 modules offered in Science, where XX stands for the subject prefix of the respective majors.

Students must have completed 3 regular semesters of study, having declared Food Science and Technology as first major and have completed a minimum of 32 MCs in Food Science and Technology Major at the time of application.

This module provides an in-depth study of the modern food processing methods, newly developed food packaging systems, and the advanced control of food processes. Topics include high pressure processing, pulsed electric fields processing, irradiation, active packaging technologies, instrumentation technology, and process control techniques.


This module is an introductory module to the science of colloids and interface with specific reference to the application in food systems. By the end of the module, students are expected to understand what is a colloid, the fundamentals of colloidal stability such as the forces leading to the instability of colloids, as well as how colloids can be stabilised. Some examples of the application of colloid science in some food colloid system such as emulsion, gel, foam, etc. will be discussed.

FST3105 and FST3106

The practical work for this module is undertaken in Semester 1 and early part of Semester 2 of the Honours year and the work written up and submitted in Semester 2. The project is an in-depth study of an agreed topic and will normally require a substantial amount of laboratory work to generate primary data.

Food Science and Technology Major

For Bachelor of Science (Honours) students to participate full-time in a six-month long project in an applied context that culminates in a project presentation and report.


Students must be reading the Bachelor of Science degree and have met Honours eligibility requirements for the specific major

The aim of this module is to examine in-depth the minor components of food and how these are important in health and disease. The biological basis of nutrition and the cellular mechanisms by which diet can influence health and activity will be examined along with the special dietary needs for minor components (e.g. micronutrients, selected phytochemicals) in certain disease states. Methods of isolation and identification of the compounds will be discussed and how food processing may affect their concentrations, bioavailability and bioactivity. Claims for nutritional benefits from food supplements such as herbs will be examined and the labelling of foods with regards to health claims will be discussed.

FST3202 (or equivalent module) and either LSM2101 or LSM2211

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