About Us

About Us

What is Food Science & Technology ?

Food Science

Food science is the study of the nature of foods, the causes of their deterioration and the principles underlying methods of processing. 

Understanding the science behind food is necessary for the widespread availability of the great variety of nutritious, safe and reasonably priced food that most of us take for granted.

Food Nutrition

Food nutrition is the study of the effects of food, its nutrients and substances, in the body. 

Nutrition is closely linked to personal and public health and helps us to understand the underlying causes of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes. 

Food Technology

Food technology is the understanding and application of science to food to satisfy the needs of society for sustainable food quality, safety and security. 

This usually concerns the manufacture, packaging and distribution of food which is safe, nutritious and attractive by employing techniques that are efficient and cost effective.

FST is about
  • Science
  • Health
  • People

Food is a multifaceted topic, connecting science, people, health, the community and the environment. Likewise, FST is a multidisciplinary subject– applying knowledge from the fundamental sciences to food systems, we examine the intricate relationship between Man and food. 

Nurturing Professionals for the Future of Food & Health

FST courses prepare students for careers in food and allied industries, but also more generally for careers in basic and applied science research. The food industry in Singapore has seen, and continues to see, tremendous growth to safeguard the food security of the country, and this is accompanied by a demand for well-trained food scientists. If you like exposure to a range of science subjects and applying your knowledge to a practical and useful subject area, then Food Science and Technology is the subject for you.

Our History

The Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) in the National University of Singapore (NUS) has a history dated back to 1999 when the then FST Programme was established under the Faculty of Science. It offered Singapore’s first degree programme in food science and technology. Equipped with modern labs and facilities and with due support from various departments of the University, the FST courses are amongst the popular ones in NUS.
The Food Science and Technology Programme was proudly announced to be a Department by NUS President in Aug 2019. Operations started independently since January 2020. The inception is timely to reflect our leading role in the discipline and enhance competitive advantage in the region. It will also enable greater capabilities in addressing global food sustainability and security issues.
Our curriculum is awarded the international IUFoST accreditation and offers multi-disciplinary, problem-based learning, internship exposure, and various academic and non-academic training opportunities to prepare our graduates for the fast-growing food industry. 

Our Vision

A global leader in education and research in the field of food science and technology, and nutrition.

Our Mission

Nurturing future leaders in the food industry and enhancing the well-being of the community.
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